And with me being jobless now, all the doors are open. I just need to choose which door to take.
So here are my options:
- I can find a job nearby, in Amsterdam or surroundings
- I can move to Ireland, because I find Irish men so damn sexy (mainly because of their accent and I recently saw the movie 'PS I love you' again)
- I can move to South-Africa since there are loads of jobs in the contactcenter business over there. But although I am a tough maffia woman, some of my friends think it's still too dangerous for me over there.
- I can win the lottery, become a millionaire, buy a tropical island and retire.
- I can go to the United States and become an illegal resident there.
- I can start my own maffia family and become the first Godmother ever.
- I can finally finish my book, publish it and become a bestselling author.
- I can start selling my paintings.
- I can move to Cuba and marry a druglord.
- I can start a career at McDonald's.
See, with me not jobbing at the moment, I already have 10 options.
So here is how I thought this out. I can always fall back on 1. Option 2 is close by, so I am tempted. If I choose 3, my friends will kill me. I am betting on 4, so we will see what happens. I am not really good at sowing, so maybe 5 is not really a good idea. I am seriously considering option 6, so maybe I can start building my family on the side. Option 7 is definitely on my agenda, but I can finish my book in my spare time. I really have to do option 8, because if I make anymore paintings I have enough to open a gallery in my own house. To be honest I don't know any druglords in Cuba, so I will check the yellow pages first before I can make option 9 happen. Option 10, hmm what can I say? NO!
If any of you have any ideas for my future career, please leave a comment and let me know!!
Doe wat je het liefst doet en maak een keuze die JIJ wil. Niet die je denkt dat je moet maken, 1 die andere vinden dat je moet doen.
1tje waar jij happy van wordt.
Misschien kun je nu niet bedenken waar je happy van wordt, maar dat komt zeker wel! Na regen komt echt echt echt zonneschijn! Het glas is ook altijd halfvol. Geniet van wat je wel hebt. Succes!!
PS en zou optie 10 echt zoooo vreselijk zijn??? I love the Mac
erm ik wil wel je pimp worden ofso :P dan doen we 50 50 en als je miljonair word eis ik een boot! o en maffia is altijd goed :)
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