Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cristian Fernandez, America's youngest 'lifer' ever

Cristian Fernandez is 12 years old. He should be playing outside with his friends. He should be going to school. He should be a lot of things.
Instead he is in solitary confinement awaiting his trial for the murder of his two year old brother. His younger brother died of a fractured skull. Cristian allegedly had beaten him to death. He was brought to the hospital and died of his injuries two days later.
If he is tried as a juvenile, he will be free by the time he is 21. If he is tried as an adult, he will be in prison for the rest of his life and will be America's youngest 'lifer' ever.

Prosecutor Angela Corey says:"We have to protect the public from this young man'.
I wonder how a 12 year old kid can be a young man all of a sudden.

Cristian his arms and ankles need to be shackled, because he is a young man now, not a 12 year old kid.

Cristian didn't have a happy childhood. Cristian's mother was only 12 years old herself when she got him. They were both put in the foster care system when Cristian was two. From the beginning of his young life abuse was an every day occurrence. His stepfather shot himself in front of Cristian and other family members to avoid being arrested on child abuse charges.

But prosecutor Angela Corey doesn't care about that. "The fact that we indicted a 12-year-old in and of itself is a stunning event and a sad event in our prosecutorial lives that we had to do this, but it is the only legal mechanism that we can use to protect the community from this particular defendant at this point".
I wonder if she has ever heard of rehabilitation.

There isn't even a prison uniform small enough for him

His pictures are splattered all over in the media. Everyone knows Cristian. Crisitan only knows his cell 22 hours a day all alone. He is afraid of the dark, but there is no one to comfort him. He is a kid that doesn't know what is going on. He is a kid that might spend the rest of his childhood among adult and hardened prisoners.

But prosecutor Angela Corey doesn't care about that. " The public has a right to be protected from him. It's one where you go, at what point do you step in, so you prevent another murder, and that's how we felt in this case."
I wonder if she sleeps at night.

He is just a kid.

Because the system failed Christian when he was growing up, the system is now charging him as an adult. Does that make sense? Is that fair?

Please sign the petition:


Anonymous said...

Hey, ik weet niet hoor, maar even gaan googlen.... deze knul is echt geen engeltje hoor, ook al is hij nog maar 12.

Anonymous said...

misschien ook wel logisch na alles wat hij heeft meegemaakt, maar kan hij geholpen worden is de vraag?

PS: vera trouwens, maar snap niet waar ik mijn naam kan invullen hiero, lol! :)

Io sono qui said...

Nee zeker geen engeltje.. maar om een kind levenslang te geven..